Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin has invested more than 20 years to develop the hybrid airship’s technology, prove its performance and ensure there are compelling economics for various markets who would benefit from using this platform. More than 10 years ago, the team built and flew the technology demonstrator known as the P-791, which successfully demonstrated all the technologies needed to make this real. Since then, the team has completed all required FAA certification planning steps for a new class of aircraft and they are ready to begin construction of the first commercial model and the completion of the FAA Type certification process.
Enterprise Technology Company
ETC was recently founded in 2016 with a focus in implementing innovative technologies across the MENA region. Our areas of focus include aviation, technology infrastructure, and logistics. Our company has recently secured a project in excess of $50M for a new network and databases to one of the important government accounts in Kuwait.
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PRL Logistics, Inc.
Pacific rim-based logistics company, PRL Logistics, Inc. (PRL) is a Alaskan-owned leading logistics company with worldwide strategic alliances. Our logistics management team consists of project professionals with backgrounds in the federal and private sectors, including extensive experience in planning and management of multiple projects at hundreds of locations throughout Alaska, the Lower 48, and the Pacific Rim. Committed to safe, dependable service and quick response times, each of our employees is experienced, well qualified and dedicated to their careers, our company, and our clients.
RAD-AID International
RAD-AID began in 2008 to answer the need for more radiology and imaging technology in the resource-limited regions and communities of the world. The organization began as a few people at Johns Hopkins, and has grown to include more than 6100 volunteers from 100 countries, 45,000 web visitors per year, 53 university-based chapter organizations, on-site programs in 20 countries, and an annual conference on global health radiology.
RAD-AID’s mission is to increase and improve radiology resources in the developing and impoverished countries of the world. Radiology is a part of nearly every segment of health care, including pediatrics, obstetrics, medicine and surgery, making the absence of radiology a critical piece of global health disparity.
Proposal for Humanitarian Medical Airship Program: RAD-AID Straightline Aviation Collaboration
SBL Venture Capital
SBL Venture Capital is a private venture capital company in Los Angeles California. SBL Venture is primarily focused on four industries; Energy, Health/Well-Being, Transportation and Entertainment. The company approaches our projects from an invention perspective. We are looking for exciting, breakthrough products or technologies that are highly scalable. Our team has an extensive background in product design and development. The partnerships we look for are those that we feel can bring something unique to the table. Our goal is to find situations where, with our assistance, the core management team can take their business from where it is today and help it make the right moves to be successful in the future.
Mineseeker Foundation
The Mineseeker Foundation is dedicated to seeking to help those people who have been affected by landmines, by rehabilitating the people and land to ensure that these communities have sustainable futures. The Mineseeker Foundation in conjunction with it’s partner, Seeker Technologies has focussed on the detection, identification and removal of landmines using it’s new cutting edge airborne detection technology - MIR™.
The Foundation’s core driver and vision is to create a sustainable future for these people. We do not believe in ‘Aid for aid sake’, we know the right thing to do is to provide solutions that create trade and wealth. These basic building blocks of trade, education and health are the primary cornerstones to the empowerment of the people and their futures.
In 2001, The Mineseeker Foundation , a not-for-profit organisation, was created to promote technology to speed up and make safer the work of humanitarian de-mining. Patrons include founder patron Nelson Mandela (retired), Queen Noor of Jordan, Sir Richard Branson, Graca Machel. John Paul DeJoria, Lord Richard Attenborough and the actor Brad Pitt.